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March 11, 2025 • PRESS RELEASE

Dan Strigle is New Kenai DA

(Anchorage, AK) – Dan Strigle is the new District Attorney in Kenai.

March 7, 2025 • PRESS RELEASE

Tylan Fely sentenced for 2019 Murder of Wife and Daughter

(Anchorage, AK) – Today, 40-year-old Tylan Lee-Kaulana Fely of Anchorage was sentenced by Anchorage Superior Court Judge Jack McKenna for the murders of his wife, Cecilia Tuuaga, and his 13-year-old daughter, Nevaeh Tuuaga, on Nov. 30, 2019.

March 4, 2025 • PRESS RELEASE

Alaska Challenges the New Rule not the Rehabilitation Act: AG Taylor Explains Why

(Anchorage, AK) – Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor wrote the following column to explain why the State is challenging a new Final Rule related to the Rehabilitation Act, adopted last year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Attorney General Treg Taylor

Attorney General
Treg Taylor


The Department of Law upholds the rule of law, protects public safety, and provides high quality legal representation to executive branch agencies for the benefit of all Alaskans.


The Department of Law is committed to excellence in our work. We will maintain the highest standards of ethics and professionalism to promote exceptional legal representation to the state through a valued and well-trained team of attorneys and administrative professionals dedicated to public service.


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We seek fair and just resolutions to legal disputes while honoring the rights of crime victims and other injured parties.

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We encourage a respectful, collaborative, and professional workplace where excellence, integrity, trust, diversity, and accountability are prioritized.